Wednesday, August 5, 2009

21 Pounds in 21 Days- purification diet. does it work?

it's some diet that cleans out your system by drinking veggies every 2 hours or something for 21 days...or 7 days, 4 times a year.
I've seen the author of the book on The View and she was talking about the diet. is it healthy? does it work?
google detox it is the best thing for your body. Not only will you 100% lose weight detoxing you will clean out your system which in turn will make you healthier. No doubt will it be hard to stay away from solids and yes if you go back to your old eating habits afterwards you will gain back the weight. But if you have a bloated stomach when you lie flat on your back and/or if your bowels come out in pieces instead of a long bowel. Your body is telling you it is (for lackof a better term) stopped up and needs to be flushed. Definetly having your colon cleaned along with detoxing is better than detoxing alone although just detoxing will shed the pounds and take away sluggish bodies, mood swings, headaches, definetly will mke you feel like a new person. Go to the bookstore and take apeek at that book I was hooked before I had read it and after reading it I had a whole new appreciation for my body!!
Body cleanses are a fancy way of saying "clean out your colon". They don't work and even if they did, it doesn't last.
Waste of money!! As long as you are eating right, your colon already cleanses naturally!
i totally believe in them. me and my dad are doing one in august. it a purification or detox diet. there are a lot of different versions of it. because it would be impossible for me to drink only vegetable juice for 21 days. That is a little too extreme for me. So what we do is limit ourselves to eating only: fruits, vegetables, berries, nuts, and once a day some oats/brown rice/quinoa (Some whole grain) and limit ourselves to 4oz of meat every other day. its hard. sometimes as you release toxins you will feel sick-ish, but after some days you will feel great. only drink water and tea (but i drink coffee too!)excercise and meditate or/and pray.However, you will feel better if you do this for your health and spiritual wealth than if you are motivated by vanity. dont do it to lose weight. do it to clease yourself! i think you will have more satisfying results in the end. good lcuk!
I've done the california/movie star diet where you drink only liquid for 2 or 3's like juice in a bottle that you mix with water.
anyway I lost like 7 pounds in three days, but was so hungry I could have eaten your arms soon as I ate anything solid, I gained the seven pounds back plus more...
bad weigh %26lt;%26lt;%26lt;(pun intended) to go.I Know This Isn't Exactly What You Asked But....Good Luck In whatever you decide to try.

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