Wednesday, August 5, 2009

30 day pre-wedding exercise?

i'm getting married in 30 days. if i go on a no carbs exercise and walk for 30 mins each night around my neighborhood, will i lose about 10 pounds?
definately - 2ibs a week is advisory weight loss, so i think with exercise and a low carb diet you will get there in no time. Good Luck and congratulations.
there is a possibility!. everyone is different. the more lbs u need to loose the faster you will loose it. you should also try doing some other exercises
possibly... do some abs and some RUNNING and you should for sure...and if you really want to get serious start working out..but make sure if you start working out you lift and then run (you will burn fat faster that way) and you drink some protein shakes (that are low in fat) you need a lot of protein if your going on a no carb diet otherwise you will not tone.
well u will jut make ur self very weak i mean com on wedding require lot of calorie to burn the wedding is very tiring ..change ur die eat and adapt to it become natural a breathing air .

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