Wednesday, August 5, 2009

21 Best Answers and yet not top ten answerers in category!!??

I wonder how does one get to be listed as the top ten best answerers in category.I have been voted best answers 21 times. There is someone who has best answers 19 listed as top ten.No, don't be mistaken.. I am NOT asking to be listed. It is not important to me that I am not listed. But I am just curious.
It's not about how many best answers you get in the same category but how many questions you answer...Answer more and more questions and then you'll probably become a top contributor in no time!
Maybe you can try to 'refresh' the page?
21best answers on the same category ?no? then you are just a contributor to general. Try to get best on same category, say Beauty, you might be surprise to see your name soon in the top.
i have no best answers so I really dont know, however I would like to think it will get done sooner or later

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