Saturday, August 8, 2009

80 lbs in 18 months?

I just had my fourth child (in five years) less than two months ago. In December of next year my husband and I celebrate our 5th wedding anniversary and we'd like to have the ceremony we never got. (Married at the court house).
So, i have about 18 months to prepare for a wedding dress. What's the best way to lose about 80 lbs in 18 months? Can it be done in a healthy way? We have a gym membership to 24 hour fitness that I intend to utilize. What should my weekly goal? What are good ways to switch up the routine to avoid the plateau?
You definitely can lose that in 18 months!! You need to work out 5 days a week for at least an hour (be sure to push yourself everyday) and restrict your diet to 1200 calories per day. Follow the food pyramid, don't do any senseless diets. Go to to find a personalized diet plan. It will outline how many fruits, veggies, meats, starches and fats you should have per day. You should shoot for 1-2 pounds per week. Go at it easily and have the mindset that this is a LIFELONG change.So, don't do anything that you can't keep up long-term.
get a good nutritionist, and work out about like 3-4 times a week, and switch it up! maybe even a personal trainer
don't attempt more than 2-3 pounds per week, more than that is unhealthy. just be consistent, work out 3-5 times a week and don't give up. increase the intensity every few weeks as you get faster and stronger, so you keep your body working hard and the weight will come off.
What worked for me was staying off of sugar including orange juices and drinking water often.I did 3 mile walks early in the cool of the morning.
I lost 79.5 pounds doing weight watchers on line (no time for the meetings) It took me 17 months from start to finish to lose the weight and with weight watchers you don't deny yourself anything.You can do it and good luck!
You are one smart woman to realize that it takes a year or so to take the weight off wisely. Way to go!Yes, it can be done in a healthy way.Read some back issues of Prevention magazine at your library for some tips.Switch up routines? Switch the way you do errands. Add exercises to them.
eat two meals a day and eat one small meal on sunday and saturday

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