Saturday, August 8, 2009

A little complicated, can you help?

So I tried doing yoga and had a few problems. I have weak wrists so I could only last 30 minutes into the program before they started to hurt. Also my knees are not that good and when they have us stretch with our knees straight it really hurts. What can I do about my wrists and if I stretch with my knees slightly bent is that ok?
At there is a discussion group where they can give you advice on different positions. I was really into Yoga for years but since I had a baby I haven't gone back (to class). I understand about your knees but they don't have to be straight so don't worry about that. I am sure there are other positions that would be better for your wrists too. Mine used to hurt a lot during downward dog. Also I say another post that you were looking for a good video. If you have Bright House (or Time Warner) they have an On Demand service with Yoga classes on it. Mine starts at channel 340 but I am not sure exactly which one. Good luck!
PS I was just remembering that my yoga instructor told us to keep our legs straight but just don't go down as far in the stretch. Over time you will get more flexible and it will get easier and easier. Remember, it should never hurt so if it does then ease up a bit. :)
Almost any stretching is good for you so not doing the yoga move "full out" should be find. If you are having problems with the program due to physical limitations you should ask your instructor for alternate positions. Any competent instructor should be able to give you different moves or different holding times that will still give you the benefits of yoga without the discomfort you are feeling now. If your instructor can't help you then you should find a new instructor or studio because that person may not be properly trained. Good luck!

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