Saturday, August 8, 2009

A good diet?

i wanna loose like 5-10 lbs. whats a good diet that is actually like, somewhat easy to stick to?
Too easy. I assume you are eating 3 meals a day. So keep the calorie amount the same as you have it now and break that into 6 or 8 meals. You eat less at each setting which promotes fat loss and you always feel energized. I found eating 8 times a day i have more energy through out the day and i am always in "go" mode. Like i dont worry about just eating and going to the gym for a tough workout, instead i just feel good all the time and go to the gym. Males should eat 11 calories per pound of body weight and females should eat 10 calories per pound of body weight. I hope this helps and good luck. Trying a little extra cardio could also get the last 5 pounds off.
I would say this is the heathliest, cheapest and best option.
1)Eat a heavier breakfast and a lighter dinner.
2)Try not to eat before bedtime because you won't have time to burn off the calories.
3)Try to workout atleast 3 times a week(sit-ups are good for the abs) Look up inside thighs routines you could do
4)Or just put some music on and dance. Try doing moves using both legs and arms at the same time to make you sweat more.
5)Get an excercise bike and ride on it about an hour everyday while watching a favorite program.
6)Don't go on pills, excercise and eating the right foods and less junk foods is the answer.
7)Just remember dieting doesn't mean you go anorexic and stop eating. Don't barf out your food everytime you eat.I did all these 7 steps and lost about 15 kilograms in 2 months(about 30 pounds) You'll also have a very athletic body and breathe better! ENJOY!
Start by trimming away all visible fat from steaks, roasts and shops. ( you can wait til the it's cook since fat seal in moisture and flavor.) Eat less beef and pork and more veal, fish and fowl, which are lower in saturated fats. Remove the skin from chicken. choose white meat over dark. Avoid sausage,frankfurters.cold cuts, which are high in fat. Poach or boil eggs instead of scrambling or frying . Cut down on baked goods, and scrutinize labels of nondairy creamers and other packaged foods for coconut oil, a highly saturated vegetable fat that clings to your arteries like glue.
The more vegetables and fruits you eat the Heather you will be and Without fat the thinner you be come ... It's not a diet it's a way of life .. Exercise is always important , walking, sports , etc .. something that you enjoy .. Go enjoy your life, Have fun ...
1. Soy is really good- I'm a vegetarian and I'm v. trim.(hmm...surprisingly,usual... vegetarians are slim,unless they have thick bones. I wonder why that is...?)2. Lay off the fatty foods- butter,cheese and cow milk. Replace theese with low-calorie cheese spreads and soy milk (don't worry,there's chocolate soy milk too!)3. Believe it or not, meat isn't too healthy for you as it seems,concluding from the latest scientific studies. Cholesteral is a problem these days,and dead and diseased cows ground into patties is one of the most popular reasons for heart burn. I would advise you to stick to fake-meat items, like soy bacon and things like that. (it's actually good;I've tasted it!!) Cut down on the steak,sausage,chicken and beef for as long as you can (hopefully more then 2 weeks), all the while excersizing,and see how your body will change.4. Fish are OK to eat- although I would advise you not to fry then longer then you should. Warming it up is necassary enough,but don't keep that stuff on the pan for any longer. Use envirement-friendly baking oil- vegetable oil is the healthiest to use.5. Drink 8 glasses of water a day. Conquer this,and you have bragging rights for 2 months ;) I know,it may seem impossible at the time,but try to drink the specified amount in water bottles,500 ML,or even 1L. You can add a lemon slice,but don't add too much juice to the stuff- it'll get more calories in it then healthy and nourishing water. 6. Absolutely no coffee or cow milk. Coffee just gets you hiper for an hour or two, it may perk you up then,but afterward you'll feel tired and flabby. Cow milk is as bad as you can get;as I sasid,better replace it with soy milk.7. Don't eat after 7:00. That's the time that my family used to use for eating supper,and that's as late as it goes. If you stick to that hour,eating mid-night snacks will be out of question. Eat at 6:00,no more at 7,and those hunger pangs will go away after a week.8. No junk food. Chips (even onion) have too much fat and calories in them to count. Corn chips,healthy as the company writes on the back of the package,aren't good in any amount. NO lollipops or sucking items. These stay on your teeth and are even worse then chocolate. Treat yourself to dark chocolate (yes,at least more then 30%) once in a while,but no milk choc or any other. Tip: If you ever have an ultra craving for ice cream that you can;t shake off,remember~sorbet is healthier then ice cream is.9. Eat only 3 meals i a day.
And No,mid-night snacks do not count as a meal. Neither do in-between-meals. No snacks between the 4 squares,and try to pass 2nds for dessert. Of course,it'd be better if you didn't eat sweets at all during the diet,and afterward you'll feel gladder then ever to return to them.10. Try to pass on 2nds in dinner,and try to eat less for your meals.11. For a tasty treat with no fat,try cereal for breakfast to replace those eggs and bacon. Or,if you want something besides corn flakes and Cap'n Crunch,eat some granola. Remember to add lots of raisins and other dried fruits! Nuts are good too. Try freezing some strawberries and blueberries- they make a yummy treat during the summer,especially when you make a smoothie! Here's my personal recipe that never fails for me or company:
Strawberry %26 Coconut Smoothie1 cup coconut (if you don't like coconut,just replace it with something else,e.g. whipped cream- it makes the smoothie thicker. Or if you want to make it more like a slushy,add crushed ice.3 cups strawberries (frozen, or fresh)2 cups buttermilk (good for diets- you can't taste it though,which is great :)1/2 cup pinapple juice, or lemon aleExtras: To give it a real zazzy taste,add 1 cup lemon ale,or lemonade. One of my favorites are gooseberries- blend them up and they taste greeeat. Want a cool look for the treat when you have guests over? All it takes is a normal glass and some colored sugar. Dampen the cup top and dip it in the colored sugar- the tip of the glass is good becuse that way you get to lick it off,and receive an awesome effect. Of course,if your guests are dieting too,it's better to just put in a lemon slice ;)

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