Saturday, August 8, 2009

A buddy said that he lost 30lb in one month, is that dangerous to lose that much weight in one month.?

He said that it fat he is losing I think it muscle also his taken something call apple cider vingear with water three times a day. He said that it give him engery and help him in losing weight.
Yes, that is very dangerous. A person should lose about 1 to 2 pounds per week by eating healthy and drinking plenty of water. I know several people that use Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar to help remove toxins from the body, lower blood pressure, and for a facial toner. Just mix distilled water with the apple cider vinegar and throw in a stick of cinnamon for taste. The recipe is on the side of the vinegar bottle.
No way. And apple cider and water does NOT make or help you lose weight. That's a total scam. I don't believe your friend has lost anything even close to 30 lbs. When you begin a diet and exercise program, you usually lose 5-7 lbs. the first week, then you lose 2 lbs. a week after that. He may have lost 15-18 lbs.--if he is REALLY working out hard. But when you do that you have to be careful. It's hard to stick to and when you stop, the weight comes back easily---yes, he's losing mostly muscle and some fat if he is losing weight too fast.
sounds very dangerous...
That much weight loss is dangerous. Unless he is under a doctors care he should slow down. Eat good nutritious (Not too much) food and exercise. 2 pounds a week is the recommended amount to lose.

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