Saturday, August 8, 2009

A question about Pilates?

How often should I do pilates a week? Should I buy a dvd or should I join a pilates studio? Any suggestions to a good Pilates dvd for a beginner?
I recommend going to a Pilates least in the beginning to learn the basic form, breathing, etc. Those are very important if you want to get the most out of your efforts, which obviously you do. Some people do Pilates by video only and claim to be getting good results. I personally do not see how this is possible though. Some things are so subtle I know I would not have been able to figure it out without feedback, which you cannot get from a video.As for times per week, Joseph Pilates himself said 2-3 times is ideal. He did mean 1 hour sessions with him though, so keep that in mind if you wind up getting some 20 minute DVDs.Good luck. Pilates rocks!
We have put together a list of videos that we have tried, and you can check them out here:
I would recommend you take a beginners' class at a studio. (Most gyms employ people who have only a weekend trainers' certificate, although there are exceptions). Most classes are 8-12 sessions, once a week, and you can expect to pay $10-15 per session. For this, though, you should get personalized instruction, i.e., tailored to any 'issues' you have, such as a sore shoulder or knee.
Your body will tell you how often to do Pilates. Once a week in a good studio should be plenty, even if you do other kinds of exercise such as weightlifting or aerobics. If you get into it, you could supplement your studio sessions with DVD work. Or you could go all the way, and get into Pilates apparatus work, which is REALLY tough. Very challenging, but very rewarding. Good luck!

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