Saturday, August 8, 2009

A question for slim ladies!?

So, what do you do to stay so slim?My slim friends just seem stay slim without any efforts. They just seem to have smaller appetite than me.
The only time I was ever able to stay slim without a strict exercise routine was when I didn't eat sugar. I didn't eat much meat, either. I ate a lot of broccoli, pasta, and rice. When I starting eating sugar again I started gaining a lot of weight and had to start exercising often. Even with exercise, I still can't stay as slim as I did when I didn't eat sugar. I'd like to stop eating it again but it's really hard to cut it out of my diet when I've been so busy. I think a lot of it depends on your metabolism. I have skinny friends who eat a lot of junk food and in large amounts, and I have average and chubby friends who exercise regularly and have healthier diets than my slim friends who have to struggle with their weight. Sucks, doesn't it?
its just they have a much faster metabolism than most people, so it looks like they don't have to do much to stay skinny.
Well i just eat normal but i try not to eat too much and i exercise daily. Sometimes i eat really fatting foods but then i run to burn it off. I pretty much just act normal and i dont gain anything.
i don;t dfo anything. I just am taht way. I think its impossible for me to gain weight cuz i never do no matter what i eat :)
I eat smaller portions
I eat good tasty but healthy foods and snacksi only eat meals every 6 hours as compared to 4 hoursfor the most part, it's probably just my metabolismand i cut off most fast foods except Chic-Fil-A which serves delicious chicken sandwiches as opposed to beef sandwiches and unhealty fries
Some people just have faster metabolisms. However, there are a few things you could do that might help. First off, stay active! Little everyday active things help to burn calories. Also, eat more frequent meals. When you eat every few hours, it keeps your metabolism working... otherwise it slows down. Just make sure that the meals you eat are healthy and smaller. I try to to eat until I'm not hungry anymore rather than when I am full. You'll notice a difference, and then you're hungry for a healthy snack within a few hours. If you are easily tempted by snacks and treats, don't buy them! Find healthy snacks that you enjoy, and if that's all there is to choose from, you'll pick a healthy snack every time. Good luck!
I watch what I eat and its very hard but I try not to over eat no matter what I 'm eating and I work out a lot. Some of the work out stuff are things I just enjoy, cycling, swimming and even just work around the yard.
Ask Ophra. She seems to have a tendency to gain weight, but looking OK .
In most cases is genetic, and you can work with it, but don't obsess about it: you are the way you are supposed to be, from that pimple next to the nose to the weight or the nails. Just make sure you shine with what you've got! Accept yourself and care for the whole YOU.
Some of my best friends have extra body fat, the more, the funner the person is actually. Good freinds will not care about weight, just stay healthy:)
well im slim and i have a fast metabolism. i aslo exersise a lot. i really dont put any effort in it.

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