Wednesday, August 5, 2009

5' 1'' bones small, but fat is big ?

okay im 5' 1'' and i weigh 134
my measurements are
28 waist
34 bust
and 34 hips
i dont really know how to explain this but
like my fat comes out of my bones
like you can see my hips but then there is like two inches of fat
on both sides.
what are the average measurements for my height and if i got the access fat off, what juniors pant size would i be likely to fit in ?
soo i think that my body is supossed to be smaller like my fat because of my bone structure, but i dont know how to get it that way ?
i need to get rid of the access fat.
help ?
try thigh massage Wall Lower
Dumbbell Squat
Lying Squat
Raised Heel Squat
For the vast majority of women, shapeless hips and thighs with excess fat are a major complaint. Thanks to female physiology, women芒鈧劉s bodies are simply designed to retain fat in the hip/thigh area to assist with childbearing and be available for energy in case of famine. That was great back in the caveman days but in modern times the typical woman is not likely to need several months芒鈧劉 worth of fat stored on her hips. Physiology is not likely to change any time soon, though, so women have to combat fat on the hips and thighs in a different way. Fortunately the area can be slimmed down through a combination of diet, exercise and specifically targeted toning movements so that your hips and thighs no longer resemble that of a cavewoman.Begin by assessing your diet 芒鈧€?do you eat a lot of junk food or dine out frequently? Oftentimes a busy schedule can prevent people from eating as healthy as they would like, especially since it can difficult to get away from work for a real meal. What about cravings? Women especially are prone to cravings for high-fat, high-calorie foods that have no real nutritional value. Premenstrual syndrome can be responsible for many of those cravings but often emotional eating is a factor as well. You should take an honest look at your diet and keep a food diary for a few days. Write everything you eat and how you felt at the time. That can provide insight into your choices for nourishment. If you芒鈧劉re dealing with stressful situations at home or work, that can reflect itself in your daily diet. Make a commitment to yourself to change your eating habits and take care of your body by providing yourself with healthy, nutritious foods that give you the right kind of fuel to make it through the day. Eating a properly balanced diet can actually help to alleviate many symptoms of stress and may help you deal with your situation more effectively. When you know how to use it properly, food is a powerful tool.As part of your program, you should keep a food journal to track your eating and also motivate yourself to eat better every day. Knowing that you will have to write down two chocolate bars including the amount of calories and fat can deter you from eating them in the first place 芒鈧€?one of the reasons that food journals are so powerful. Being able to track your feelings at the time you ate can help you identify emotional issues and encourage you to eat because you want to, not because your boss yelled at you. Consider also using your food journal to keep track of your weight and measurements once a week to provide yourself with an accurate record of your progress over the weeks.Consider your exercise program 芒鈧€?do you have one? You should! When the hips and thighs are chubby and out of shape, that芒鈧劉s typically a situation that will require a lot of fat-burning. The issue is not so much that the muscles aren芒鈧劉t in shape but that there芒鈧劉s too much fat over the muscles to show any real definition. Fat-burning activities will be a vital part of reshaping your lower body and you should plan to work out at least four times every week for about thirty to forty-five minutes each time. The good news is that you don芒鈧劉t have to work out all at once 芒鈧€?fit three 10-minute workouts into your day and you芒鈧劉ve done your exercise. Recent studies show that short, intense spurts of exercise can be just as effective as longer workouts. That芒鈧劉s good news for everyone with busy days and busier nights. The best choices for fat-burning are swimming, power-walking, and high-intensity aerobics. All three of these options will blast calories from your body and help torch the fat from your body. Burning the fat off is your first priority in order to see the true shape of your body underneath. In between your fat-blasting workouts, make time to strengthen your hip and thigh area by doing squats and lunges as well as lateral raises to tone the outer thighs. You may want to wait to focus on the strengthening exercises until you have lost fat from the hips and thighs, but fortunately this is an area that builds muscle fairly quickly. Squats are an especially powerful move to tone up the buttocks and increase the power of your workouts.Shaping up the hips and thighs is by no means impossible. Make your plan, keep a daily food record, and burn fat through cardiovascular exercise 芒鈧€?your lower body will start to reshape itself within a few weeks. There芒鈧劉s nothing better than looking in the mirror and knowing that the strong, beautiful lower body is thanks to your hard work and effort.
You sound more like you are large boned, not small boned. If you were small boned, you'd be a lot bigger in size because more of your weight would be coming from fat which is not as dense as bone or muscle.You are supposed to have some body fat, it's normal. But if 34 inches is the largest part of your hips and buttocks, then you are skinny.

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