Wednesday, August 5, 2009

6 packs (abs)?

how can i get a 6 pack that shows in less than 2 months//?!!? is this even possible?if it is PLEASE tell me
Only If U Work Real Hard But U Can't Expect 2 Get A Real Answer Because I Don't Know How U Look Know So It All Depends But If U Personally Don't Think U Can Do It Then Me Lyin %26 Tellin U You Will Won't Help But Like I Said IT All Depends But I Will Will Give U Workout Tips1) I Run 22 Miles A Week(Mon-Fri).But 4 Starters I Might Want To Recommend 2 Miles A Day %26 U Might Want 2 Walk Fast Or Jog %26 Take It Easy.But I Do 4.4 Miles A Day2) I Do Crunches %26 Pushups.Boyz U Will See An Improvement In Your Chest %26 Arms %26 Ladies Will See An Improvement An Your Arms.3) I Drink A Lot More Water.4) Now I Can See My Abs Coming In5) If All That Doesn't Work Get "LL Cool J's Platinum Workout" Book.It's Very Recomendable If U stick To It.It's Sure To Work.It Includes Good Ways On How To Diet,Stay Motivated, %26 Bronze,Silver,Platinum, %26 Diamond Levels To Workouts On(Depending On what Type Of Shape Your In)
But If U Stick To My Plan That's Also Sure To Work6)Also U Shouldn't eat Anything Fried,With Sugar Or Red Meat(Such As Cheeseburgers/Beef Or Steak
change your diet to a clean diet. no box, canned or processed foods and do some cardio
depends on where your at now. you need to get to a real low bodyfat, and eat reeally, really clean. no junk food, no pop or sugar drinks. and workout obviously.
Cut the caloric intake.
Just add a zero to your weight (ex 200 lbs=2000 calories), and subtract 500.
Space 5 meals apart throughout the day to keep your metabolism high, and DO NOT eat after 6 pm.Six packs are more weight loss than muscle addition, for everyone has a 6 pack, it is up to us to uncover it.Yes, it is possible. I have a 6 pack after serious training the past 2 months or so. Sleep well. Exercise around 30 minutes a day, combining aerobic activities with strength training. Use exercises that involve your core, such as push-ups, rows, chin-ups, knee raises, etc.
You have to run daily, jus about 20 mins on %26 off
Then about 10 mins after your run do 2-3 reps of 15 sit ups/crunches [or find your own ab workout online]
Also, It really helps if you also do sit ups right before you go to sleep, that way you burn calories all night!
Oh %26 drinks lots of water...its makes the resuts show faster
great abs are made in the kitchen, not in the have a well defined 6-pack with out flexing you need to be down in single digit body fat. the diet is 90% of being lean and muscular, training is the easy part. you need to 86 all processed foods that you consume and eat only whole foods until your body fat % is low enough
I came across this great product for weight loss and it was excellent for me. Together with a good diet and exercise I am finally happy with my body and the way I look. You should check this product at , they have a free trial and you only pay 6.95$ shipping and handling. A must!

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