Saturday, August 8, 2009

A good exercise to get rid of the lovehandles on your back by your hips?

whats a good way to get rid of the luv handles on your back right by your hips?? I know that running will slim a tummy and even help your legs...but I want to get rid of the flub on my back..and it basically comes out more on my period..thats where I hold alot of my waterweight and I HATE it! help please
Windmills but also side bends with at least a 5 lb weight in your hand. Alternate from side to side. That will help the side. The other thing that will help your back are what are called "superman" where you lay on the ground on your tummy and lift your arms and legs at the same time. Hold and then release. You can also alter this by "swimming" one arm and opposite leg up and hten alternate! Good luck!
side crunches.
Sounds dumb but toe touches (windmills) like you did in elementary school gym class. Believe it or not, it actually works better than any piece of equipment.
Do cardio, then do squats. Stand up straight, bend your kness and sit your butt weigh back. Go to for some good rear workout videos.

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