Wednesday, August 5, 2009

20 mins every other on treadmill @3.5 mph walkin 1.1 mile?

i am 22, 5ft tall, bout 7 stone 8 lbs, walkin (fast) 20 mins at 3.5 mph is this enough. my heart rate reaches bout 160.
the treadmill is a reebok i-run if this makes any difference, some of u may know the settings. thanks.
my wife is 28 / treadmill speed 6.5 mph/ 5 foot 2/ for 30 mins/
that is enough for her . i think you could do more
Eat only when hungry and not more than thrice a day. Nothing other than water in between. Include plenty of uncooked vegetables and fruits in each meal, preferably 50%. Chew each morsel at least 32 times to activate ur body to generate signals of hunger/fullness. Obey these signals.Take light exercises and brisk walks regularly preferably twice a day.U will achieve what u have not even dreamt and that too in a reasonable time. Do not be in a hurry.
at 7st8 and 5ft tall, something is obviously working for you!
if it feels like it is enough for you, then stick with it. try increasing it every couple of weeks if you feel you should be pushing yourself harder. just do what you are comfortable doing because weight wise you are ideal.
to push a little harder perhaps up the gradient rather than the speed?
to be quite honest though, i think you're doing just fine.
If your heart rate reaches 160 you are into your cardio training zone (220-age x .8 = 158), so it must be at the right intensity level for you. However, 20 mins every other day is not going to be enough to build fitness. You are going to have to increase the amount of time/speed/both as you get fitter, otherwise your body will get used to the level you're at now and you will see no improvements.As you get fitter, use this link to make sure you continue training in your correct cardio heart rate zone:
If your heart rate is getting up to that level then it sounds like a good workout. However it does slightly worry me that your heart rate is going up so high on a 3.5mph walk. I think you will find your fitness benefits will improve relatively quickly. You will notice when this happens because your heart rate will start to come down. As soon as this happens you are either going to have to increase the speed or increase the resistance and in the case of the treadmill that is adding an incline (if your treadmill has that ability).There is also the added problem that if you stick to the same exercise for too long the body becomes use to it and the advantages start to tail off. It would be good if you could add some more exercises to your work out. Just a few at the start and then increase it.I hope this is of some help, good luck with it and keep up the good work!

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