Wednesday, August 5, 2009

5"5' Between 105-108 lbs 13 yrs old fat?

I am so confused!! Ok i think i am a little bit chucky. But everyone says i am SKINNY! I see my self in the mirror and i look huge!! Why does everyone say i am so skinny??!? Am i fat or what??!!-Confused
You are not fat!! For your 5ft. 5in.height and age of 13 years, the healthy amount of weight is approx. 110- 120 lbs.
I'm worried about you seeing yourself as chunky. You are skinny!
I am the same height as you and weigh 125lbs. I get comments that I need to eat more. Granted, I have medium to large bone structure. This has always made me look 10lbs. thinner because I have prominent bone structure. If I weigh less than 125lbs. I start looking too thin.
This may also be your situation. It depends on your own frame size.
Don't take all of this as fact. Make yourself an appointment with your family Dr. Tell your parents about your confusion.
There is help for this kind of thinking. It is okay to get that help
hahahaha NO! im 5'6 and weight like 125.
and im not fat.
Haha you are super skinny.
you are underweight. Yes, you are skinny.
you might have an eating disorder or a condition called Body Dysmorphic Disorder that causes your mind to trick you into seeing a fat girl in the mirror, when in reality you are VERY skinny. can you talk to your parents, a teacher, or the school counselor?
Everyone is right your not fat. Maybe, just maybe, you have the disease where you think your to fat!
Girl...your like super skinnyyou aren't fattrust me
My mother is 5'1" and weighs 79 pounds. She thinks she is fat. She needs kidney dialisis 3 times per week and is in very poor health. You are not fat.
you skinny
i am 5'1 and weigh 108 lbs. and i think i am fat.
i'm 5"5' and 109-115your questions should be: should I do anything about my fatness?no, u shouldn't, we all see each other differently.
I've been grown up knowing everyone around me is fat. (becuase im super skinny)
ur fat to me. So what ur fat. Do u like or not like being fat?
plz email back
No. You're normal. My sis is 12 and she weighs about that much (I think) so there's no need to worry (like me!).
Your are super skinny to much probably. i am 5"2' and 118 lbs and i am still small for most since i can fit into size 1's and 3's. you need to stop worrying and trust other people even if you dont see it. No one is ever satisfied with themselves when they look in the mirror.(im not satisfied with my weight but who cares live life and stop the worrying)
You by all means are not fat. I would urge you to get some help from your parents, a friend, a doctor, or somone you trust. You may have some kind of eating disorder. Please, find someone to talk to.

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