Saturday, August 8, 2009

A friend of mine had weight loss, lap band surgery and shes lost 28 lbs in 2 weeks, im

how does it make u lose 28 lbs in 2 weeks???shes not even that heavy, maybe 80 lbs?im 50 lbs over my weight /height chart and a size 9/10 in pants and m-L in shirts... can i have lap band surgery?
Just drink plenty of water and engage in good healthy diet. Plenty of protein, fruits, veggies. Keep your carbohydrates to under 20% of daily intake. Portion control is essential to dieting. Eat 5 or six smaller meals a day. An easy exercise program can be done, stretching for flexibity, cardio for endurance and fat burning, and either calastetics or weigh training for muscle tone and strength. Also remember that muscle wieghs more that fat, but it is leaner and more dense. Its important to decrease caloric intake while increasing calories burnt in a day. That is the key to losing wieght. I have dropped almost 20 lbs in the past two and half months, simply by changing a few eating habits and exercising moderately. Good luck.
Most insurance companies will not pay for lap-band surgery unless you have other health issues that are aggravated by obesity (such as diabetes or heart trouble) or are extremely overweight. Personally, I would not recommend a lap band, and I doubt that your friend was only 80 pounds overweight. You usually have to be at least 100 pounds overweight before being considered for a lap band. I have a friend who had a lap band, and basically, you have to liquify almost all your food. You can't eat much. You lose a lot of weight initially, but that slows down, and soon, she may need the band tightened in order to continue losing.
I'd stick to a diet and exercise program. Skip surgery if you can. Be Healthy.

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