Tuesday, August 4, 2009

14yrs old, 5'5, and 115lbs..i want to be 107!?

ok so i kno a billion other people are posting stuff like this but i really want answers for my exact situation and goals..oh and im turning 15 july 23 and i want to be 107lbs by then. is it possible? or at least be around that weight?HOW OFTEN AND HOW LONG should i work out and how many calories should i consume?please help and thank you! =]
Ok when I was 14 I was also 5'5" and weighed 118 I looked anorexic even though I ate like a horse and had people asking me if I was ok. And you want to be 107?? You will look even more like a skeleton!! Thats not a normal weight for your height.
If this helps at all, there is 3000 calories in a pound. So you would have to burn 3000 more calories than what you had eaten that day to lose one pound.
The poster who mentioned the 3000 calories isn't QUITE correct...There are 3500 calories in a pound. It is nearly impossible to burn that much IN A DAY. Healthy weight loss is 1-2lbs a week. The best way to go about this is to cut out or burn about 500 calories a day (500x7=3500). You can do this by burning about 250 calories and cutting out 250 calories from what you eat every day, etc. Example - one Vanilla Coke has 150 calories. If you drink a few sodas a day, cut way back or stop altogether :)You're really not at an unhealthy weight for your age and height, but you could check out sparkpeople.com (tell them isabellaj referred you!) - its a free website that can help you determine how many calories you need to intake - our bodies require at LEAST 1200 calories a day, even for weightloss - and show you some great exercises to help you build muscle and burn calories/fat with good cardio :)

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