Wednesday, August 5, 2009

30 pounds over weight HELP!!! (no fasting I'm against it!)?

I just gained back almost all the weight I just lost. no woo hoo for me. But I can give you my advice and hopefully it will work fairly quick.No sodas, no carbs after 3pm (and almost no carbs throughout the day). No juices and just don't eat anything you can't pronounce.So, what I do is FRUIT and VEGGIES. yea it totally sucks when its 10:30 and ur stomach is screaming but stick with it. Eat small meals ALL day (this will raise your metabolism). If you eat salad, aviod mayo based dressings! Treat yourself to some baked chicken if you want. Make sure to eat the food pyramid daily. If you want to lost weight you have to give the body the fuel to do it. Very important , I knows ur not fasting which is great. But by not eatting you are not producing the glucose requred to make ATP which provides enegry which burns calories. So don't be afraid to eat. Lifting weights is awesome, you burn MASSIVE calories and can watch TV at the same time. Grab one of those pilates balls and some 5 pounds weights and work out. The book Body for Life is fantastic.Lastly, prepare to change ur eatting life style. You don't have alter it drastically but enchance it with eatting healthy!I know you can do this, don't hurt yourself and take your time! Your beautiful, Im sure!Good Luck
look at my answer and the other answers for this question. it is pretty good.
The old school of thought from the 70s and earlier said you must burn up more calories than you take in to lose weight. Decrease the amount of food you are eating and increase your metabolism by exercising. This could be something simple like walking, which also doesn't require expensive equipment. Eat out as little as possible because restaurants usually serve portions equal to about 1/2 your daily requirement of calories. Use portion control. Use small plates. When the food on the plate is gone, you're done eating. Eat small snacks (150 calories or less) between meals if you get hungry. Try no more than one snack between meals.
Eliminate sugar products. Eat vegetables and lean meat. Baked food instead of fried. Eat only one serving. No seconds. Drink plenty of water. Walk at least 30 minutes a day. If you got a problem with exercise, leave your wallet at home and drive yourself to the mall and walk around looking at things in there. Most times, you can really get a walking workout just leaving the mall and walking to your car
No meat( it worked for me) I lost 60 pds in 2 and1/2 months, The last month I stopped eatting bread too... Good luck to you.
Surely u can lose weight visit below given website and follow the steps given. Click ad links given to know more details and informations about weight loss and diet. Surely visit it will be very useful to you.
Heavy breakfast,skip lunch, light dinner, and minimum exsercizeoraverage breakfast,light lunch,average dinner, and lots of exersice.
Hi Emma, I would suggest changing your eating habbits to vegan. That means no animals products, no milk-no eggs-no fish-no hunny. It is not only a good way to lose weight but it is super healthy for you and good for the planet ( and of course the animals appreaciate it :)) If you want more info you can email me or do a web search of "vegan" and you will find a load of info. I and family have been vegan for 8 years ( vegetarian before that for 3 years) Aloha.

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