Wednesday, August 5, 2009

23 m tn trying to lose weight?

HI whats going on i am trying to loss weight okay i run usally two times an day about 3 miles so really 6 miles an day 3 in moring and 3 miles at night i dont know really what to eat to loss weight so i am stuck with just trying to eat small meals but i was wondering if i could take it an step further and start drinking an whey protein shake instead of one of my meals like instead if eatting lunch then i would eat dinner like around 6:30 then run my last 3 miles at 9 o clock then come home to an another whey protein shake when i get home around 10 o clock is this an good plan or what this iz what i plan to do eat breakfast around 10 30 run about 1:00 come home around 2 o clock then drink an shake insteed of eatting lunch then about 5:30 or 6 o clock eat dinner slice of bread with 5 fish sticks with an slice of cheese and green beans with 1 potatoe then go run about 8:30 about 3 miles then come home around 9:30 and drink another protein shake. i was wondering if this iz an good
Do you look better? Sounds like you must be a bit obsessive. Lighten up, enjoy and keep with a consistent program. It will come.
Glad that you are working out already. that is an important first step.running long distance is a good way to lose weight, the runs also need to keep your heart beat fast enough if not, it would a useless. The weight losing effects can only be seen over a period of time. Dont be to anxious to see the results! Replacing meals with protein is a no no! a Healthy meal is irreplaceable. Protein shake is taken for you to build muscles, not cut weight.i would advice you eat healthy and proportionate amount. Keep up your exercise. Maybe some multivits supplments.
All the running/walking sounds wonderful, but then you are messing up this wonderful routine with high carbs, reprocessed meat/fish and now you're considering a high protein intake. Stay with the exercise routine-It's GREAT! Focus more on a satisfying breakfast (Oatmeal, granola bar, fruits, hot cerals (no milk), that way your satisfied for atleast 3 to 4 hrs. Replace all sugar drinks (soda) with water and "on the go" flavor packets, fresh lemonade, tea, but 85% water intake on the drink preference. Stay away from anything that is breaded-precooked (reprocessed meats/fish sticks ect). Chicken wings w/hot sauce has less carbohydrates and calories than fish sticks w/cheese and baked potatoe. If you are going to have a baked potatoe, load it with deli cut meat, a little butter, cut peppers, shredded cheese and that is your meal. In order words you don't have to have steak w/baked potatoe b/c the steak house does it. The dairy, the potatoe, the bread and the fish sticks have NO PROTEIN, these are all carbohydrates. Boiled egg is protein, pintos beans are protein and shake versus food is not a good way to go. You need a meat w/vegs as a last meal b/c your body fasts for 12 to 14 hrs while you sleep---it needs the balace. You have a wonderful exercise routine and therefore you will do well if you balance your food choices with the same commitment. Trust me, that routine takes time and commitment, you just need to organize your food choices as well as you have it. Let me know your progress.
I have lost a total of 120 pounds so far.
I lost 105 pounds in my first 6 months. Here is how I did it.
1. Every morning get up and walk for 45 minutes. You can start with less time, but you want to get up to 45 minutes, and it must be fast walk. You want your heart rate to go up. It must be in the morning, it kick starts your metabolism.
2. I cut out Red Meat, and fatty foods. Boneless skinnless chicken breast, baked, or grilled, rice and vegetables (steamed).
3. Eat half. Just eat half of what you normally eat. Put 1/2 on your plate, and put the rest away. Cook less. When you go to fast food, get salads only. Or grilled chicken. No fries, only diet soda. Or water.It will work, once you get into a routine, you will get hooked on the results, and you will keep the routine. It has been over a year for me. Also start counting your calories. Write them down. You would be amazed as to how much more aware you are of your caloric intake, if you actually write it down. We recently discovered a site that offers a great program that counts calories, as well as keeps track of everything. It allows multiple users, so everyone in the family can keep track. They offer a free 7 day trial, and so far I am very impressed with the product. Try the 7 days and see. It allows you to add the exercise that you do during the day, which increases the amount of calories you can take in. Very Cool!!
http://www.calorieking.comA sight with some really cool diet calculators and interesting calorie counting calculators is here. Check it out. out my before and after pic at my yahoo 360 page motivated, and get up and walk every day. I seriously lost all my weight starting off my day on my walk. Good LUCK!
Your commitment to exercise is great! Keep it up.You may need an upgrade in your nutrition. If you are looking for a high quality nutritional program, I have found one that is amazing. My first six weeks on it, I lost 20 pounds and 19 inches. I feel great, have lots more energy and have been able to do without two medications I was taking. This is a program for nutritional health, but weight loss of at least 15 pounds a month is a very common result. If you are interested in knowing more, go to for information or contact me at I'd be glad to share more of my experience with you.Best of luck to you!!

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