Tuesday, August 4, 2009

1500 calories, too much?! How much should I be eating?

Well, I weighed about 95 pounds a week ago and then, I ate 1500 calories on average for 2 weeks and have gained..2 pounds. I normally eat 1200 calories.
I'm 5'1", 16, and 95...well 97 pounds now.
It's summer now and I'm in the city so I walk on average, about 30 minutes per day...leisurely speed and swim leisurely for 30 minutes 4 times a week.not much exercise...so how much calories should i be consuming to maintain? and is there any other explanation for the 2 pound gain?
No, dear, there's no alternative explanation (besides growth).
Anyway, you're a bit too thin for your height (even considerung your age). But don't worry, I won't turn this into a sermon. It's natural that younger girls weigh less than what's generally classified as underweight. But maybe you should rethink your attitude towards your body.
2lb is not that much, so I suppose 1500 IS ok, you won't gain much more.
I for example, being 5'4'' and slightly plumber than you, could eat 2300 cals a day, this takes my activity into consideration (I don't do i though - I mean, who wants to eat.
You could build some muslces, they'll burn calories and shape your body so that you can eat more.Oh, wait there could be another explanation for your increase in weight - are you getting your period? Your body stores some water just before that.(I assumed that you were a girl, if I'm wrong - well, don't get too sour)
Don't worry about weight. It is the body fat you need to worry about. Just remember muscle weighs more than fat so build muscle, and worry about body fat.
Here are some tips/tools I give to people looking to lose but they will work for someone trying to maintian. But a 300 calorie a day increase will result in about 0.6 pound a week gain or 1.2 pounds in 2 weeks. Now if you slacked off on the exercise that would easily go to 2 pounds. 3500 calories a week = 1 pound gain or loss. Step 1: Find out what your basal metabolic rate is. Goto http://health.discovery.com/tools/calcul...
This is the amount of calories you need to eat to maintain your current weight. Step 2: Do you exercise? Do you exercise right? Exercising right means that you monitor your heart rate and make sure that you reach your target heart rate and maintain it for the longest period of time while exercising. You have two targets a fat burn zone and an cardiovascular zone. The fat burn is usually 60% of your maximum an d is easier to achieve and maintain and if your goal is weight loss this is where you want to be. Just walking/excising is a good start but if you want to get the most out of your work out find out what your target range is. If you don't belong to a gym then I recommend the
Polar Fitness F11 Heart Monitor Watch.Step 3: You need to decrease your caloric intake or increase the amount of calories your body uses in a day by 500 calories a day for a week to lose 1 pound. So you can decrease that basal number you got in step 1 by 500 calories and exercise very little(yes you still need to exercise). Or you can decrease it by 250 and exercise off 250 calories or any other combination. Remember that your basal number is the amount of calories you body needs to live. If your number were 2400 then your body burn 100 calories per hour. So if you walk for half an hour and burn 300, 50 of that is your basal. Step 4: Count your calories, it's not hard and you'll find out that you eat a lot of the same things on a daily basis so you won't have to research everything over and over again. Balance what you eat(equal parts carbs and protien whenever possible) . One of the best websites out there is one from the FDA. http://www.nal.usda.gov/fnic/foodcomp/...
This database has almost every food on the planet counted and weighed. (Hint: they do a lot of their weights based on 100grams. If you put 0.28 in the serving size this equals 1 ounce). Get a reliable food scale, preferably digital. Weigh everything that you put in your mouth that is not prepackaged. You need to know what you’re eating and how much you’re eating. The number one mistake is "eating healthy". Everyone thinks because it's "healthy" the portion isn't that important. A handful of peanuts is "healthy" and has nearly 250 calories! Eat enough calories and it won’t matter how "healthy" it is your going to gain weight. Great ideas for people on the go are: South Beach Raisin Granola Bar, Snickers Marathon Multi-Grain Crunch(Wal-Mart diet aid aisle), Snickers Marathon Protein Caramel Nut Rush(Wal-Mart diet aid aisle)Step 5: Adjustments and Variety. If you are doing your best and losing weight but your starving, increase the amount of calories your giving yourself by 100-200 calories a day. Losing weight and starving are not good bedfellows. If you starve eventually you will crack and lose the battle. The more types of exercises you do the more weight you will lose. You will work more muscles and keep your body guessing. Step 6(optional): If you belong to a gym or have some free weights at home. Use them! Muscle takes up less space in your body than fat (pound for pound). A pound of fat sits
around and does nothing all day, while a pound of muscle, even at rest burns calories(increasing your basal metabolic rate). Step 7: Sleep, Never underestimate the power of a goodnight sleep. Will power can crumble in a second if your going through your day tired. You end up with a diminished sense of self control and tend to “give in” to temptation. Step 8: Find a distraction. Read a book, Ride a bike, Play a game. Whatever takes your mind off of food, do it. You will need something that you can turn to in a moment of weakness. Something that will distract you for a half an hour so that your will can reassert itself and help you to make a rational decision.
Good luck!
id say you are doing an amazing job, and like someone before me said, muscle weighs more than fat. 2 lbs isnt much, and often times are body weights vary 2 or 3 pounds depending on the time of day and what we ate yesterday, and when our last bm was. there are many factors, i wouldnt worry about 2 lbs, if it reachs 5 or 10, then worry, but right now, keep doin what your doin! you are doing great!
1500 calories sounds about right. It definitely isn't too much, especially with your activity level. I would not go below that. How often do you weigh yourself? Weight fluctuates day to day and morning to night. I've been between 175 and 181 the past two weeks. 2 lbs. could be water weight, food mass in your intestines, etc. . . If you[ve been eating 1200 calories for a while, though, your metabolism may be running slow. Raising your calories should help ramp it back up. Whatever it is, I promise you did not gain 2 whole pounds of fat in 2 weeks on 1500 calories. No way in hell.
One thing that will help you lose weight: diet pills. I was one of those who did not believe in them until I tried it. And I tried a few. The best product I found on the market is made with pure hoodia and it works great! You can go to
http://www.mylnation.info and order you free trial, also you only pay 6.95$ shipping and handling. Good luck!

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