Wednesday, August 5, 2009

6 small meals?

Ok, when people say to eat 6 small meals a small are the meals? Like would a small meal be considered a bowl of cereal? Or an apple?
It can be. Usually a small meal would contain two elements, such as a protein and vegetable, or protein and bread. A bowl of cereal with milk would qualify, but it would have to be a small one without a lot of calories. If you eat more frequently like this, you have to eat less at a sitting. A good rule of thumb is to eat when you're hungry, but just a little bit. You'd be surprised how little it takes to erase the hunger, especially if you eat slowly. I'm diabetic and have had a lifetime battle with weight. If you like to snack or graze, this is a good way to eat. If you like big meals, like a large supper, this is not for you.
I tried that idea and it really didn't work for me. I ended up over eating because I made myself think I had to eat 6 meals. Instead I eat 3 big meals or relatively normal size meals and if I get hungry in between I'll have a small snack. That's what the 6 meals really means. You should have 3 meals and then 3 snacks. If you lower your calorie amount for each meal then you can have a big snack. Like say you only eat 1500 calories a day. Then you'd have 3-400 calorie meals and then 3-100 calorie snacks. I've been using the 100 calorie snack packs and fruit like apples for my snacks.

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