Saturday, August 8, 2009

3 stone 4 months how do i do it?

i gotta loose 3 stone in 4 months before a surprise visit to see my friend in america. grrrr tell me ways. i did well on my calorie counting before it kinda worked. any ideas?
Lets do the maths.
3 stone = 42 pounds x 3000 calories per pound
= 126,000 calories4 months = 120 daysSo, if each day you eat 1000 calories less than you burn off then it can be done. But you will struggle!Best methods are to eat lots of complex carbohydrates which take a ng time to digest, and keep you feeling full longer.
Drink a glass of cold water before each meal to make you feel less hungry.
And eat lots of small meals instead of a few large ones, ESPECIALLY breakfast. Also, exercise a lot, 3 stone will leave a lot of saggy skin, so tone up. It will also help speed up your metabolism. Half an hour on an exercise bike morning and evening, and 50 sit ups, with some light weights for muscle tone should be enough.
I'm not promoting it but i just didn't eat for like three to six weeks and lost 2 1/2 stone, I was really depressed at the time so that helped me not eat.
I think you should just not eat unless your stomach is rumbling (which is what your meant to do anyway...listen to your stomach not your taste buds)
Work out too.
go to the gym and low carb diet.
Put the chocolate down and step away with your hands where I can see them.
Run and run and run, until you are breathing through your ***! Then run some more Morning and evening, worked for me!!
Hiya!Through exercise, be it dancing or cycling or the gym (anything really). Try and spend so mins a day, splitting up into periods of 10 mins is the easiest way to fit into your life.And through a strict diet. 3 meals a day, plenty of fruit and veg. Make sure veg fills most of your plate. Don't forget meat for iron and strength or equivilant if your a vegeterian.Try and cut out bread and potatoes/chips. Also think about your drinks, juice and water are best. Alcohol try and save for the weekend and then just a couple.Good luck
i had gallstones and lost 4 stone in 3 months on a fat free diet.
Thats basically it,although it is not recommended long term for weight loss as it is like a crash diet.
I had no option as I was extremely ill if I ate fat.
Best chance to loose weight is modest calorie reduction plus 30-40 minutes of vigorous exercise 5 days a week. You are not going to loose 3 stone safely in much less than 18 months to 2 years!
the lighter life diet. weight drops off, but bit expensive.
To be honest thats a tough task to manage. The recommended healthy weight loss is just 2Ibs a week. A balanced diet and plenty of exercise is the best way to lose weight in a healthy way! Low carb and fad diets will work to an extent but you will feel quite ill and have some side effects! Also as soon as you start back to your normal diet the weight tends to pile back on quickly. Dr atkins had the most well known low carb diet and died of heart disease, Says it all really!
to be honest the best way is not to go on a diet as ive tried them all and diet pills and they dont work lol but just change your diet and go swimming 4-5 times a week for about an hour each time it tones your tummy and all your body up wonderful too ! i lost 2 1/2 stone since may its great and i eat loads too im just eating the right foods but instead of swimming try aqua arobics its great and really fun ! great question goodluck !
You'll never do it in that amount of time

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