Saturday, August 8, 2009

A stone age diet please?

mammoth, n. american camel, dodo birds, dead saber-toothall extinct sadly
sorry we only sell potatoes
Water, meat, sex.
Only things that could be hunted or gathered in your area. So say goodbye to most of your current diet.
just eat veggies and fruits all day + water ofcourse !
A stone age diet would have been seasonal, although meat would have been available all year round which they would have hunted for.
They were known as hunter/gatherers.
Seasonal fruits and berries/nuts would have been eaten, also grains, some roots and the meat would have come in the form of rabbit, deer, buffalo/bison, mammoth and possibly wild boar.
That would have been about it but all in all a very healthy and balanced diet.
The proof that it was a healthy and successful diet is in the fact that we are here today.
Water and meat. And the occasional vegetable!

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