Tuesday, August 4, 2009

114 to 107?

to you think it is possible to go from 114 to 107 from today to next monday. i have cheer practice three days for three hours and fit jam from 6-3 sat. and sun. and i exersice at the gym for an hour doing 30 min. cardio and 20 min sculpt and 10 stretch. and i am on a stritch diet. medium meltabilsm, 5' 14 years old. i want to be healthy not anorexic. please dont say 114pounds is fine because i am usually 107 and want to get back to that and i am going on vacation next tuesday so anymore tips how to lose that weight would be appriciated!!
well try runing in the morning. but early so the air is fresh. and eat organicly. i started doing that. and i lost a lot of weight. i mean it may cost more. but you'll have a lot less flab. and a lot more fab!
How tall are you?
well i don't think so because since you workout/exercise so much your most likely to gain weight or stay th e same, just because muscle weighs more then fat. you will probably notice your body getting more defined though, and notice yourself becoming thinner, but the scale lies.
your getting muscles they weigh more than fat. if you still fit in your clothes dont worry

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