Tuesday, August 4, 2009

14 year old wanting a six pack?

Hey i am a 14 year old boy and i really want a six pack. I have gone through every stage of puberty and i just really want a six pack. i love running and i would really want a six pack by the new year. is this possible?? anyone with any advicxe please give it to me as the internet dosn't give u any proper advice. Thanx
First off, you are quite young
to want to have a "6-pack" abs.
Second, your muscles
are in their development stage.
In my youth (ulk... mid twenties)
I craved to have such six-packs
by doing lots of strenuous sit-ups.
I am now 55 years old
and have started to run
(all of five months so far).
It is exciting to see that my legs
have become muscled and sinewy-like
and I have naturally developed six-pack abs!
Besides that, my heart and lungs get worked-out too.
All these from running on hills.
This form of resistance training equates to...
intensity over frequency, quality over quantity.
If there are no hills near you,
run up the stairs of a building.
Keep a log to check your progress.
Example: start on a non-stop 15 minutes.
Rest for a day or two. Then add 5 minutes.
Or whatever. Devise your own schedule.
Listen to what your body tells you.
Importantly... watch what you eat.
Stay away from cola, hamburgers, hotdogs,
sauces, processed/junk/manufactured foods.
Gorge on natural foods like fruits and vegetables.
After one month... you would be losing fat
(from the stomach section) and replacing this
is a firmer midsection muscle tone. Another month
and a "six-pack" abdominals are starting to be born.
ask an adult to buy u one.
Answer--%26gt; Exercise. Try jogging 25 minutes everyday.Also, those are the best:-50 situps everyday
-25 push-ups everydayTry doing 50 situps everyday, and change the number by adding 5 everyday. Good luck!
Leave the U.S. and go where the drinking laws aren't the same. So go to Mexico or Europe and get yourself a six pack.
http://www.bodybuilding.com/ That is an excellent website with many different exercises. I believe there are some articles on teen fitness. I hope that helps.
You say "the internet dosn't give u any proper advice", well, this is the Internet. What do you expect from us?
Umm if you are 14 I doubt you have gone through all stages of puberty, at least not all the mental ones.oh, that's right, puberty is directed towards the anatomycal changes n.nThese answers confuse me, are you asking about a beer six pack or an abdomen six pack?if u r talking about a beer one just hit yourself against a wall and think about how you will ruin your life if you started drinking (assuming there is the possibility of falling into alcoholism). I just say, why would people like to drink? they may say it tastes good, but..beer gives you bad breath, if you don't drink responsibly it causes you serious diseases, when you get drunk the worst of you comes out and you can do the worst of things, being drunk causes you problems with your parents and gives you a terrible headache next day.I simply don't see the point of drinking alcohol..u.u
beer is the drink of ignorance
u.u that is what i say
nowif you were talking about an abdomen six pack (were I live we call it "cuadritos" ['coo-ah-dree-tos' little squares] or "estar calilla" ['ehs-tahr -cah-lee-yah' being strong]) haha what the hell with my spelling class, well just excercise, I might try doing what someone suggested here (the pushups and situps thingy), together with other things :]ckoriginal930: in Mexico the drinking laws are the same (except that adulthood is reached at 18, not 21), another thing is that some young smartasses want to start drinking just so they can feel older, posers.
you need stronger abdominal muscles to get one. Do crunches, sit ups and push ups. Running is also a very keys elements. Loose weight and gain muslce by working out. Go for weight training.

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