Tuesday, August 4, 2009


I am 14 yrs old and i weigh 132 pounds. Im not very tall. Im like 4"9 1/2 am i fat or overweight?
Age is not a factor to that kind of thing. It goes by height. You are 58-59 inches tall. Your maximum healthy weight should be between 131 and 136 for either a boy or a girl. Therefore, you are not fat, you are right in the middle of where you should be.
Yes u are overweight visit below given website.Surely you can lose weight visit below given website and follow the steps given. Click adlinks to know more informations about weight loss and diet. Surely visit it will be very useful to you to lose weight. Check ads to know more.
For your height you are on borderline. If you dont watch, you are going to be overweight. Healthy diet and physical exercise are needed.
ur not fat
u are overweight, check www.shape.com it has a BMI calculator which is ur BODY MASS INDEX. It also tells u the weight u should be in regards to ur height age and gender. They also have great tips to lose weight in a healthy way. BEST OF LLUCK
Sorry to say but you are a little overweight...i'm 5'4 and 125 pounds which is a good weight for my height...to lose some weight, just exercise and eat right but never skip a meal!

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