Tuesday, August 4, 2009

10 pounds.one month?

So, I'm going into freshman year and I really want to look hot for school. My goal is to lose 10 pounds by August 16 (which is about one month). I've been putting off losing weight and now it's getting down to the last few weeks and I'm running out of time. I need to lose this weight fast. I've been eating a lot (well, not A LOT) of Special K cereal. And I'm trying to get more exercise. Is there are certain meal plan or exercise plan that I can use to help me with losing the weight? Is there anything that could help speed up my metabolism? What are some good snacks to eat? Any other tips?As you can see... I seriously need help.(Also, I know I'm young and that it's probably not healthy to lose that much weight at my age. But it's not just wanting to be skinny, I want to feel good about myself. Don't give me stupid answers saying that I should "just stay the way I am and be happy with myself"...Kay?Thank you!!
Healthy %26 safe are the two things that you want to keep in mind when dieting. I hate to plagiarize myslef, but I'm pasting some suggestions below that I gave a younger person earlier today. Trust me, it works and you will stay healthy and be safe in the process. Get-thin-quick diets do not lead to long-term weight loss success, and pose huge health risks.Reduce, but don't eliminate, carbohydrates in your diet. Bread, potatoes (in any form) and pasta are examples of carbs.Keep meat servings to about 4-6 ounces (about the size of your palm). Try to eat leaner meats such as chicken breasts, turkey or lean pork.Eliminate sugary drinks and caffeine. Keep in mind that many non-carbonated, fruit juice type drinks still contain a lot of sugar. Drink water, about 3-4 20 ounce bottles a day is good. You can add Crystal Light for flavoring if you like.Avoid fast-food restaurants. If you must eat at one, try to order things like grilled chicken sandwiches and replace fries with a side-salad.Eat lots of vegetables.Never skip meals. Several small meals in a day will keep your metabolism going. Skipping meals will cause your body to believe it needs to reserve calories. Have breakfast, lunch and dinner. For snacks between, have things like fat-free yogurt, carrot sticks, or occasionally some of the 100-calorie pack snacks (they make Oreo, chocolate chip, graham crackers... all kinds of flavors).Exercise for at least 30 minutes each day. There are lots of things you can do without spending any money. Walk around your neighborhood. Walk up and down the stairs at home. Walk in place while watching your favorite TV show. Do crunches before bedtime. Ride a bike. Swim.If you're absolutely dying for some kind of "junk", then go ahead and have some but keep it to the bare minimum. If you like Snickers, then eat a miniature Snickers but not more than 1. If you like sodas, buy the miniature 8 ounce ones and have one. Limit these "splurges" to once a week, though (twice at the very maximum).If you're faithful in all of the above, you'll lose weight.
try the southbeach diet. The food is cheap,healthy, and delicious! They even have pizza and desserts!
www.caloriesperhour.com it will help a ton. count your calories. Drink 1 ounce of water for every two pounds you weigh, plus I think 9 ounces for every 25 poounds you want to lose. Jog, use the ellipticle, swim, jump rope, dance, or go for a bike ride every day. for every pound you want to lose, you have to lose 3,500 calories. a 1000 calorie deficit each day will let you lose 2 pounds a week, etc. make sure to get in aerobic and weights. if you drink soda, STOP! even if its diet.
The safe amount of weight to lose is around 2 pounds a week, so you should be able to accomplish this in a safe way. I would suggest eating lots of fruits and vegtables, lean meats. Eating fat free yogurt with every meal is proven to help you lose weight also. Stay away from fried foods and things high in sugars like, candy, cookies, cake, icecream and do not drink sodas. DRINK LOTS OF WATER. Also get out there and do some running. If you run everyday for 1-2 miles you should be able to burn alot of calories off quickly. Your goal should be pretty easy to reach.

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