Tuesday, August 4, 2009

0 Back to school?

i want a new look for my new school. how can i lose 20-30 lbs fast without going to professional diet systems or taking diet pills? I already excercise and eat mostly healthy, what do I do?
Exercise more (swimming, biking) and cut out all white flours and sugars. You can do it! Whenever you get a craving for junk food, exercise and chew sugarless gum! Good luck =)
all i can say is burn more calories than you consume.
Excercise more. If you don't lose weight, then you were not meant to. Don't worry anyway, a few extra pounds never hurt anyone.
eat during breakfast, lunch, and dinner. do not snack in between and u may lose at least 5 lbs
Be patient. Keep exercising. Keep watching what you eat.
it seems to me that you dont need to lose any weight!try a different fashion sense instead of losing weight!dont listen to Ray T.you have to have snacks to stabilize your metabolism.not eating snacks can actually decrease the speed of your metabolism causing you to GAIN weight
stop eating!!!!!!
exercise. eat good food. join a sport...go to sumemr gym.
yeah lemme know if u get a good answer that works
It really depends on how much you weigh now. The best way to lose weight is to cut 500 calories a day. This can be as easy as cutting out 2 sodas or juice drinks, or it can be more difficult for those who already eat and drink healthy and rarely chow down or drink extra calories.
Always eat atleast 1,200 calories/day, it's important for your body and will keep your metabolism up.
Try changing up your exercise, your body often adjusts to certain workouts and will no longer repsond to them, so mix it up.
You really don't need professional diets or diet pills to lose weight.
Exchange your white breads and pastas for whole wheat ones, drink only water, or flavored water, avoid sugary juices and especially sodas, even the diet ones.
Avoid eating fried foods, and junk food like chips...and cut down on any fast food, that stuff is a diet nightmare.
Other than that, follow the basic rules or eating lots of fruits and veggies, and work out! So many people try to lose weight without working out, and it just doesn't work!
Good luck!
Eat totally healthy. Eat lots of fruits and vegetable and make sure you have protein with every meal. If you skip a meal your body thinks you are going to die so it holds onto every thing. Be sure to eat three meals a day and have a snack of fruit if you need something. Exercise more and do not do any of those harmful diets. Walking is great exercise, try swimming or whatever you like to do. It didn't go on fast so it won't come off fast. You could lose 5 pounds or more the first week and then two pounds a week is good. Drink at least six 8 ounce glasses of water a day. Weight Watchers has a great program. Good luck you can do this.

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