Tuesday, August 4, 2009

13 and around 98 pounds... fat?

I have just turned 13, around 5ft 3, and i weigh about 6stone 13 (about 98pounds) I feel really self concious and I was just wondering if others around that age limit feel the same, have tips, or know how to loose a little weight off my mid-section.
Eat only when hungry and not more than thrice a day. Nothing other than water in between. Include plenty of uncooked vegetables and fruits in each meal, preferably 50%. Chew each morsel at least 32 times to activate ur body to generate signals of hunger/fullness. Obey these signals.Take light exercises and brisk walks regularly preferably twice a day.U will achieve what u have not even dreamt and that too in a reasonable time. Do not be in a hurry.
You're not fat at all.
You should love your body.
If anything you're under, not overweight. If you have a bit of flab, walk more and exercise. Swim and play sports, do sit-ups, etc.
ur not fat at all! when i was 13, i was about 5'4, and i weighed 200 lbs!! trust me, ur not fat.
Are you joking me?? You are almost underweight. I calculated your BMI and it is approx. 17.4. And to lose weight, go look at other questions. I'm sick of the same question repeated over and over again.
you are skinny
my sister who is the same age as you weights 120 and is 5'1 and nobody thinks she is fat. You are lucky because you are thin and tall for your age. Dont worry too much you still have a lot to grow and change...:)
No way. You sound pretty thin to me. I'm 13 in a week and I weigh a lot (5'4-5'5, 134). If you feel fat, maybe you should talk to your doctor, I don't know.
No, you're not fat.
It's normal for you to think the way you do.
You could do some sit up and/or bending to your toes to firm up your stomach.
You teens are all stupid, aren't you?"Waah! I'm fat! I can't lose weight! Is this too fat? Am I fat? I think I'm fat! How do I lose weight? Waaah!"Try doing something more constructive with your time instead of comparing yourself with those walking coat-hangers called "models" and trying to be so f*cking trendy! Try not eating shite all the time and doing Pilates once in a while if you're so worried.
ur skinny and u dont need to lose any weight...be happy!

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