Tuesday, August 4, 2009

13 how can i get in shape this summer?

Ok i'm 13 and this summer all my friends r getting in shape and i want 2 also but i'm realy bissy so i don't have time to change my eating habets or go 2 the gym i. But i want to exersise i just don't know wich ones 2 do i'm not fat i just have a stomatch that i want to shrink so any ideas? pleas tell me soon because one of my friends likes me and i want to do this 4 him 2 but mostly me so please help me soon ~thanx =]
easy, do a lot of swimming
if you want abs do sit-ups
first, you need to only do something like losing weight for yourself, nobody else.2, u are waaay to young to worry about your weight, just go have fun kiddo
well its really not hard to lose weight especialy if you have a fast metabolism, all you really have to do is run 15 or 20 mintues in the morning (3, 4 times a week) before you eat anything or do anything active (fo ex. sit on the computer or work) and work out your stomach 3 or 4 times a week (sit ups, crunches, leg ups), if you dont have time to run at all, then diet and sit ups will help, what i mean by diet is to shrink your 2000 cal diet to 1500 or lower and eat really small meals, so split 1500 calories in 5 or 6 meals per day and do sit ups, crunches, and leg ups, also make a habit not to eat after 8pm it helps your body to burn more calories when you sleep.if you have any questions feel free to contact me at alexmsasu@yahoo.com
im a bit older than you but im doing the same thing thsi summer
do lots of sit ups
all you probably need to do is get mucsles in your stomach
so just work out your stomach a lot
I agree, you are young to be concerned with your weight. Just be active, and get 30-60 minutes of exercise a day. You will become a lot healthier. Go for a run a couple of times a month, try jumping rope, or just shotting some hoops. have fun with it, and remember that you have your whole life to worry about your weight, why start now?
Summer is supposed to be fun. Also, I think that if you are not obese then you are too young to watch your weight closely. But, there are a lot of fun things you can do that won't even feel like exercise. 1. play tag
2. go swimming
3. ride your bike
4. hike along a trail
5. instead of talking on the porch or on the phone you and your friends can go for a walk. Hope it helps. :)
First of all you don't need a gym to stay fit. It could be as simple as walking around the block after dinner. An idea is if you go somewhere and you take a bus or have someone drop you off. Get them to drop you off a block or two before your location. That way you get a little extra exercise in. Another thing that I do is I have one of those exercise balls. They are great they work on your core muscles and they are fun too. So it does not seem like you are actually working out because it is fun. Whatever exercise you decide on it is important that you enjoy doing it. If you find something you do not like to do chances are you will find an excuse why you can't do it. Another great exercise is riding a bike. You might want to check out this site that I listed for you too. It has great ideas for toning your stomach. Also hon remember you are still young your body will change. It is ok to want to stay fit and trim but don't take it to the extent of worrying about it all the time. You are young just have fun and stay active that will help you too. Good Luck.;)

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