Tuesday, August 4, 2009

13years 203lbs is this concidered obese?

how can i lose weight FAST
You can not lose it fast. Yes it is considered obese.
You need to exercise and start eating right! Have fruits and veggies for a snack if you need one!
As always, drink plenty of water everyday!
Stay away from pop (limit diet pops too!)
It depends, are you 9' 3" tall? If not, then yes it is obese
Start working out, and stop going to Mickey D's and having soda all the time. Gotta treat yourself right.
13yrs ols 203lbs!
do 1800 jenny20
hell yes, you need to get that boy on diet girl what the heck are are you thinking
i mean i guess it could but why even care as long as you feel good about your wieght
How tall are you? At 203lbs, this does seem concerning. Exercising and eating healthy (besides surgery) are the only good solution to your problem. Check this web page out to find what your BMI is and where you should be.
I heard or read a few years ago at a nutrutionests office that to be obese is to be 5 lbs over your ideal weight for your height... Now that would make 90% of us obese.. 203 lbs for a 13 yr old does sound crazy unless he/she is 6 ft tall! Losing weight fast isnt the answer. Losing it slowly and learning what a healthy lifestyle is whats important...
well judging by the AVERAGE height for a 13 year old...yes, its obese...you lose weight by diet and excercise, no starches and sugar...ONLY water.. if ur like not active at all...then only eat 1300 calories a day...and burn 700 calories in excercise. if u are active and like to go outside and play..but snacks on junk, dont eat the junk, but eat around 1500 calories then...eat only 5-6 small meals a day about every 2-3 hours...drink 10 glasses of water a day
How tall are you? At 203LBS you should be 6'5" at the least. You can't loose weight fast. It can take over a year to loose excess weight. You obviously aren't making good food choices. You should talk to your parents about this, consider talking to a dietition. I had lapband surgery (weight loss surgery) because I was 100LBS overweight. But this is an expensvie extreme measure to take. You need to learn how to eat healthy, only eat 3 meals a day, no junk food, no fast food, no pop, no sugary drinks at all... you really should get this sorted out now or you may be at risk for diabetes or heart problems as you get older. Its possible to loose the weight, just don't put tons of pressure on yourself to do it fast, it takes time.
Join a sport, or do Cardio everyday. Also watch what u eat.
I was the same way when i was your age. I joined softball and eat better. The results, I grew up 5 inches and lost 60 lbs.
The best way is to talk to your doctor to find what they think is the best diet plan for you. Weight Watchers is a fast and easy diet plan for teens. Also try exersizing for atleast 30 minutes everyday.
damn people are so rude.Its a child for christ sakes.Honey, You gotta leave the fast food and the sweet treats alone. they are not good for you at all. I would suggest that you get on a diet as soon as possible. you know the drill.. and hour of exercise each day and eating right will definetly do they trick.now your not gonna lose weight fast[just not possible]but you will definely lose weight. I bet you if you are dedicated and stick to your diet by the start of the school year you are going to look and feel great!!
Diet and Exercise... talk to your doctor and/or nutritionist about a sensible diet and workout plan, they will be able to tell you how to lose weight properly without endangering your health. In the mean time here are some things you can do
1. Stop drinking your calories- no soda, koolaid, sugared tea, etc.
2. Find an exercise you enjoy, bike ride, rollerblade, run, walk, join a sports team, do atleast 1 hour of exercise each day.
3. Drink plenty of water, eat fresh fruits and veggies and avoid processed fatty foods like potato chips.The weight wont come off fast but if you stick with it, it will come off. It will take hard work but you can do it!
This is going to take a long time and alot of work.
But it's rewarding.Diet and exersize is key.If your seriously 13 and 203 lbs you need to get to it unless you want to end up on the TLC channel where your 1000lbs and can't roll over in bed.Weight lifting is not your concern here.Get on a treadmill or just run around your yard.Do it with some friends so it's easy and you have a good time.You must go on a diet, it's up to you to choose which there are alot of them out there that work but you have to stick to it without cheating.
I would have to say yes, to lose weight get active your body is changing now so start looking after your body . Water fruits eat regular meals and stay active.
diet and exercise work. i know from experience- when i was 12, i was 200 lbs (at least i was when i stopped weighing myself) i finally decided enuff was enuff n i got on a diet. try to eat smaller portions- instead of 4 servings of mashed potatoes, do 3, then get it down to 2, then 1, then half that, etc.. it worked for me- i got down to about 135- but dont slack off- ive now gained back 35 lbs cuz i let myself slide, badly. if u want some extra help, keep up with some of my questions ive asked- a lot about weight n how to lose it fast n what works. good luck- and dont get discouraged when the scale dont change overnight!!
ok well first off unless you are like freakin 9' then yes you obesebut trust me theres help ok well first i would use a little junk food as a treat and portion ot right when i mean use this as a treat i mean when you exercise and burn those extra calories eat a little bowl of chip like ONCE a weekhear is a an excelent web sites that can help you a weight but first please ask you doctor sparkpeople.comhere are some tip well like i siad before portion your food
get out a little and play with friends that is always great cardio
get into an active sport
eat lots of fruits veggies grains (natural things)talk to you parents about this they can always help trust me on thisyou have the rest of the summer to lost this weight or at least 18 pounds saying you lose 2 pounds a week just make sure that you stick with the sparkpeople diet and exercise plan

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