Tuesday, August 4, 2009

13 year old help?

im 13 year old male like 114 lbs 5'1 or 5'2. i play soccer on 3 teams but odnt really have practice that much in the summer. anyways am i fat? can u give me somme tips on how to get like a flatter stomache and just get like stronger and stuff. i lift lighter weights every other day but i wanna get a flatter stomache. aside from eating good which i do what can i do. thx
wellll im a thirteen year old girl.
i think that you're perfectly fine.to get a flatter stomach, you can do ab holds and it also helps if you lay on your back and hold a hollow position, with your feet and shoulders off the ground. try to hold that position for a minute, and build up time.
You will probably get taller soon and trim down. So I wouldn't worry about it. If you wanted a flatter stomache, crunchs, and other ab workouts could help. Also eating right. Hope this helps.
do a ton of situps , maybe go for runs or even walks. =) honestly i really dont think lifting weights will help you get a flatter stomich(and im not saying it lyk bad to lift weights), it just prolly wont help you in the stomich area.

PS- i dont think 114 lbs is bad. my freind is 121 lbs and you would think shes more lyk 100. ur fine
Try getting one of those big bouncy balls and their are lots of stomach/abs workouts that are challenging and a good workout. If you go on to the internet you can find pictures that show u. Also try to eat slower, cuz it helps u fully digest and helps u know when u are truly full (It makes u full faster). It helps me! Another stomach exercise is laying flat on your back on your bed and then lifting your legs and upper body at the same time so your hands touch your toes and your head against your knees.. Hope I helped!:)

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