Tuesday, August 4, 2009

~~~~~is my weight normal?~~~~~?

IM 13, IM 5'2, AND I WEIGH ABOUT 96 OR 98LB'S. doctors say i weigh 100, i dont know but are either one of those a normal weight for me??
No one can tell you if this a *healthy* weight for you without seeing you and evaluating you. If you are small boned, this could possibly be a healthy weight when you take into consideration your young age. I was healthy at 15, 5'4" and 110 pounds.However, my best guess is that you would do best to add a bit of weight. A woman's body needs to have a particular amount of body fat to develop normally. 18-22 percent body fat is a good target.The best advice is to eat from each of the food groups in moderation and get at least moderate exercise. (The body does need *some* healthy fat intake!)
both different weights are normal .. dont worry u are at fine weight
No that is not normal for your age you should way at least 125. I know I am a doctor of 25 years dealing with teenagers!
You are underweight. How do I know this?
I calculated your body mass index (BMI) which is a tool used to determine if you are underweight, normal, or overweight. To calculate your BMI, you multiply your height and your weight.
You may not be getting enough of the right foods. This can lead to a weakened immune system, fragile bones, and other health problems. So try putting on 5-10 pounds and your weight should fall into normal range. Hope this helps :)
they are all underweight.

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