Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Im 15 and I
want to lose weight.Whats a good way to lose it,
But still be healty?Or anyother ideas.?!鈾?!-- Question-to-best answer
Exercise more and eat less. Eat more fruits and vegetables. Drink more water.
eat less calories.. eat healthy.. exercise.. (variety) like running and cardio and toning workouts.. and drink water.. I am also 15.. so I recently started.. eating better.. and exercising more and it has helped. Good luck!
excersize!! thats your best bet. try cardio, like 45 minutes a day. (running, bikinig, swimming, jogging, dancing, etc.) this will help burn fat. as far as dieting goes... try to eat things with less sugar and carbs. i try to eat things with only 6 or less grams of sugar. also only drink water and load up on fruits adn veggies. it's not nearly as hard as youd think just practice self control and healthy habits and youll be shedding the pounds in no time! good luck :)
i'm 15 also...
maybe you should see a nutritionist...
they usually know if we can lose weight and keep on being healthy and they won't get you in some crazy diet...
what i know about it, is you must eat every 3 hours, like an apple or something, so when you have lunch/dinner you are not really hungry and eat more than you ought to...
i also learned from a friend that experienced anorexia, who had to go to a doctor to begin eating well, that you should eat more during the day...
at dinner, you can eat like a soup (not a little soup...more than it..) and at breakfast/lunch (especially breakfast) eat more... because a little after dinner, you go to bed and don't waste (i'm not sure i used the right word, i'm not an english native speaker) energy...during the day you walk/run/go to school and need the energy more than during the night, when you rest...
i'm no doctor though and you ought to think of seeing one, so you can be sure you are doing it the right way...
you can also try to do exercise...if you don't like to do sports, you can swim (i don't consider it a sport...=) ) or have dance classes or yoga/martial arts (awesome for stress), so that you lose more energy... but that's your choice...=)
Eat only when hungry and not more than thrice a day. Nothing other than water in between. Include plenty of uncooked vegetables and fruits in each meal, preferably 50%. Chew each morsel at least 32 times to activate ur body to generate signals of hunger/fullness. Obey these signals.Take light exercises and brisk walks regularly preferably twice a day.U will achieve what u have not even dreamt and that too in a reasonable time. Do not be in a hurry.
if you can, eat 6 mini meals a day. this boosts your metabolism. so does drinking green tea every morning. and never eat 3 hours prior to going to bed at night. (so if you plan on going to bed at 11 o'clock, dont eat anytime past 8)as for exercise: 45 minutes of jogging/jump roping/swimming/biking every day will help shed pounds fast

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