Tuesday, August 4, 2009

100lbs overweight- where do I start?

I want to start losing some weight. I've started to eat healthier and am ready to start moving around a bit. I am 5'4'' and 100lbs overweight. I'm female also :) What is a good way to incorporate excersise into my day so that I don't get overwhelmed right away and quit. What should I start with and when is a good time to add in more activites?! Help! Please... I don't know where else to go with this. Please respond with nice/ constructive responses.. thanks.
Push away from the table once in a while.
the best is to join a weight loss program, they help you and they cangive you excellent tips.i was on weight watchers and honestly it was the best hting i ever did. i lost 20 kilos and havekept it off for over 2 years now, they are supportive and yes you do have to pay once a week for your class but it is so worth it!
Walking is a good place to start...3O minutes a day to start, 7 days a week..gradually add more time.and eventually more difficulty (climbing up a hill, trails etc). Start slow, put on a headset with tunes and walk your way to freedom and health! Good luck!OH! and drink a TON of water! It helps with appetite!
You have already started!! Good job. I would suggest you start doing activities that sound fun to you. For example, belly dancing or a hip hop class. Group settings make it easier for you to stick with it too since you usually don't want to walk out in the middle of a class. Walking is good but personally I find it rather boring. I have heard great things about Curves but I do not have any personal experience with it. Just have fun and keep up the good work.
Okay first start out easy, even a brisk 20 minute walk a day can get you onto a good start. Gradually, start jogging instead of walking. Cut down your calorie intake. If your calorie intake is 2,000 calories start cutting down by 200 calories and then you want to end up with a balanced 1,300 calorie diet. I really suggest joining a gym if you can, if not jogging around your neighborhood or even taking a plunge in the pool will help you out for a good start.
Check out Sparkpeople.com. This is a free weight loss web site that is absolutely fantastic. I lost 30 pounds and have kept it off for more than a year. Remember...to lose weight you have to change your habits. It will then become your new lifestyle! Good luck.
Try doing little things at first...like taking stairs whenever possible, parking in the back of a parking lot, drinking lots of water, and you could also start by taking a brisk 20-30 minute walk every other day. Then once you get into that routine, maybe 2 weeks or so, start with real excersize...like jogging, sit ups, jump rope, and/or aerobics. I know your position, I was almost 70lbs overweight, I've dropped about 40 so far, and I'm still working on getting that extra weight off. If you ever need a diet or motivation buddy, feel free to message me. Good luck! =D
You can start by walking a mile every day for a week and each week increase by one mile. It will take some time to get that many pounds off but you can do it. Continue to eat healthy and before you know it you will be smaller. If you can swim that is also a very good way to loose pounds. Best of luck to you. Remember YOU CAN DO IT.
Check out your local YMCA. They have all the cool equipment of the other gyms, but if money is an issue, they offer scholorships. Have a blessed day, and ignore morons like that first guy.
There are many ways to lose weight while living a busy lifestyle.
So many websites have helpful tips to get started.http://ezinearticles.com/?effective-weig...http://www.thedietchannel.com/squeeze-ex...http://www.associatedcontent.com/article...I suggest if you are drinking pop, stop this completely. Drink tons of water all day long. Also, even though fast food is so easy to get and there's no hassle with cooking or anything, it won't work when trying to lose weight. Eating smaller meals about 5x a day will get your metabolism going faster. Not only eating but you have to exercise, you could try anything from lifting light weights to dancing, anything to get moving.
There are a million people just like you who have been successful and you will be too. If you have a weight-watchers in your area, join. It is very cheap and hugely effective. Walking 30 minutes a day is a great start. People all over America have lost weight doing it. It is even more fun if someone will commit to going with you. Get good shoes and try going different routes and places. I get bored easy, so I go to different places and walk different terrains. Consider joining a class or gym you might enjoy. Get the junk out of the house and get in a lot of good alternatives for the times when you might want to snack. Look in your area and get some supportive people with the same goals. You are doing great. Congratulations. I wish I could see you next year! Keep a food and exercise diary. If you go to weightwatchers, they will set you up. There is no special stuff to buy and I keep meeting people succeeding there. I bought a $4 talking pedometer at Walmart to inspire me too. I like to beat whatever I did the day before. My family has started getting involved finally. We are ALL eating better and having some fun exercising. We even took up tennis. Water aerobics are nice and pretty fun. If you have a local Y, you will be surprised at all the women and men just like you losing the pounds and having some fun doing it. Good luck!
We can start our diet together! I just started one today bcause I need to lose 50 lbs. I can't get into my clothes any longer!I tend to munch, so I got a lot of carrots today at the grocery store to put next to the computer to munch on. I also got watermelon (hardly any calories), turkey (few calories, and good for munching). Oh, I forgot the low-fat Triscuit crackers! Have to go back for those. If you drink diet cola you should also drink half a glass of milk so you don't lose bone from the phosphorus in the cola causing your body to release calcium in your bones into your bloodstream so you don't get a dangerous imbalance. So drink that milk at the same time most of the time!
I just got frozen veggies to munch on and turkey. Boring, but effective.
I went to the gym and worked out for 20 minutes on an exercise bike--didn't want to overdo it the first day.
Just start walking 2 miles a day and work up to 8 miles a day. Walk to the postbox. Walk to things that are close by instead of riding in a car. I lose weight when I walk for 2 hours. Walk in the mall early in the morning with the old folks--it's cool and there's so much to see that the time goes by fast. Good luck! By this time in September we should have lost, let's see 1 lb a week (you don't want to lose too fast, or your skin won't have time to retract and it will start sagging off you--gross!). So 4 in July, 4 in August, oh, 8 pounds. Well, have to start somewhere!
well it really depends on how in shape you are. if you really fat its just about impossible. do alot of cardio. like jogging,bike riding, spriints, walking. then when wait is lost focus on muscle. push-ups is the best way to build on arms and chest. then do alot of cruches morning and night. may hurt but youll get used to it. eat lot of fruit and vegies. no junk food or soda lots of water
Hi! A great wonderful place to start is Weight Watchers. Go to a meeting, you can try it for free. They give great support and the Weight Watchers eating plan is so flexible that you can eat at a fast food place for lunch. Weight Watchers encourages you by giving motivation material; bookmarks; and recognition for your weight loss. Most of the Leaders teaching you have been in your place before. The plan is easy and you also have on-line tools to help you keep track.
I joined Weight Watchers in March 2005 and by July 2005, I had lost almost 20 lbs. It was slow, but it was steady. I exercised very little. I just walked my dog a couple of times a week.
My best advice is start slow...take it one day at a time and if you "mess up" just get back on the plan. Do not exercise so hard that it makes you sore. Just by following the WW plan, you will lose weight the first two weeks.
My friend lost about 70 lbs and has kept it off. She has become a Lifetime member. You get to go for free. GOOD LUCK! Remember you are in charge of you and what goes in your body.
Weight Watchers. It's awesome, mother lost 50 pounds on it.
Take a look at www.bodyforlife.com. It has an excellently detailed diet and exercise program.
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