Tuesday, August 4, 2009

100 degrees out- unbearably hot outside! Exercise in the heat..?

I've recently gotten into running, but lately its been too hot out to run. Does walking have the same great benefits? I've been running to lose weight, %26 its been effective. Will I still lose the weight through walking? What's the difference in calorie burn? Thanks!
You will not burn as many calories by walking as you would running. However, I would NOT run in this heat. By running, you're exerting yourself ontop of the exertion put on by the temperature. Some people think "Oh, hey! Twice the workout in one go!" However, the movement, ontop of the current heat can wreak havoc on your body and make you feel awful for days to come. Plus, you've only started running. If you go out for a jog now and come back miserable, you might start avoiding going out later on. Take it easy in the heat.While you might not get a heat stroke (because we all insist that "it will never happen to us,") you could become seriously ill. That is, heavy fatique, nausuea, and muscle cramps.If you really want to stick to your exercise routine, go out and take a walk. How's the humidity? How well are you inshape? If it's low humidity and you're in good shape, feel free to keep a fast paced walk (3.5 miles per hour.) If it's high humidity, then it doesn't matter how in shape you are. Try to ease up and stay at 2.5-3.0 mph for the walk.Don't exert yourself too much in this heat, but that doesn't mean skipping out on a walk at all. And bring water.
You won't loose as fast unless you walk further and keep your heart rate up. The key to weight loss is target heart rate and duration. Try taking classes at a gym or doing tapes inside. The library has lots to choose from no rental fee either.
I go play tennis after it gets dark out, or very early in the morning. You still get a good workout but its not too hot! :)
Yes you will still lose weight with walking...If you times your weight by 4.6 (for jogging) and 2.5 (for walking) you will see the difference in calories. per hour!
if its too hot out though, how about swimming? Swimming is great not only for weight loss but to tone your body, and its easy on the joints (which may be sore if you jog lots).
My other suggestion is to bring either wrist weights or ankle weights when walking for and added kick to a normally boring walk.
Have fun trying to beat the heat...good luck!!
You might try any of the Leslie Sansone walking videos. They're a good work and can be modified to be more vigorous if you find yourself not challenged enough. The "Walk %26 Jog" video might be best since it's a mix. These are intense, I promise, but keep you out of the summer heat and winter snow.
ummm go to the gym they have ac

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