Tuesday, August 4, 2009

1000 calories?

I ate 1000 calories today and burned off 500 doing an hour of advanced Tae-Bo. Will I lose weight this way?
Remember, those Tae-Bo calories were not the ONLY way you burned calories today. Walking, moving, even breathing burns calories, and I bet more than 500. You need more than 1,000 calories a day. Starving yourself (which is what you are doing) is NEVER, not ever, the right way to lose weight.
you are gonna kill yourself
only consuming 500 calories could classify you as anorexic.
hells ya, after u die
Yes, but you'll also get very sick and gain the weight back once your body starts to return to normal, rather than starvation mode.
NO YOU WILL GET SICK because you are really supposed to have 2000 a day, and if you only had 1000 and burned off 500 you would have only ate a fourth of what an average person should eat.
I just posted this as an answer to another question... but it applies here as well:First of all, your body needs 1200 calories a day MIN to keep your body out of starvation mode- if you eat less than that, chances are you'll actually gain weight! Find a good BMR calculator online to input your stats (age, gender, height) and look for one that asks you about you physical activity amount as well. For example, my BMR is is 2100 calories a day... that is what my body burns at a resting rate throughout the day. Then subtract 500 off of that... and that is what I consume in a day to lose 1lb a week (3500 calories=1lb). You can't play with your calories too much, regardless of your amount of workout, you need at LEAST 1200 a day, period! Now if you are also burning 400 a day at the gym you'll lose another 1lb a week. 2lb a week not fast enough for you? Too bad! Losing 2lb a week, the safe way (as i have described above) is the only way to lose weight and keep it off! Keep in mind that when you lose weight fast (pills, starving) you will gain it back, and probably more, just as fast! I assure you the method I have described works, I have lost 25lbs this way, and kept it off! Also recommend taking a good mult-vitamin to make sure your body is getting all the nutrients it needs and drinking plenty of fluids!
Another great nutrition tip is to eat as much protein as you can, especially if you are working out! Start off your day with protein and your metabolism will start the day with a leap! Eat every 3-4 hours to keep it burning at it's optimal rate as well. Good luck and do this the right way and you will see permanent results!
try this instead http://www.changingshape.com/resources/c...
This is a sure way of losing weight AND getting sick! You need to have proper nutrition in order to lose weight effectively otherwise your body will go on starvation mode and all the exercise in the world will not do you any good.
Yes u might lose weight this way but its not the healthy way so u will have some side effects prolly

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