Tuesday, August 4, 2009

"Fat Tax "?

The government want麓s to tax some food which they say make`s us all unhealthy I am sure we are all intelligent enough to know what麓s healthy for us and what is not I don麓t think it will make an ounce of difference if you eat pie and chips you will continue eating it I don`t think it will make you eat more salads and what麓s the alternative to cornflakes for breakfast what they don麓t tell you is how much of this unhealthy food you have to eat for it to be a big problem my opinion is it麓s all to do with life style
it's a load of crap -we all know what good and bad for you - we choose to eat the bad foods because we want to. I admit a bar of chocolate is alot cheaper than a pack of nuts so we would obviously choose the chocolate - but one thing we should say to them is if you increase the tax on unhealthy foods then reduce it on the healthy foods!!
If you ask me they are trying to recoup some of the losses they will make through people giving up smoking.
its easy how much unhealthy food makes it a problem ,, u get ruddy fat or have a stroke or a heart attack or......
Do you need someone to tell you you are getting fat...I think not ...take a look in the mirror or get on the scales. Simple really..a balanced diet.....but of course eating whats good for you is not always the easiest(or cheapest) option.
It's just another way of raising money through taxes. People know what is bad for them, but they should be able to choose what they eat. It's not like smoking. By eating unhealthy foods they are not forcing other people to eat them. There is no such thing as passive eating.I do think that parents are responsible for the diet of their children though. They should provide healthy meals for them, and should be prosecuted if they feed over weight children unhealthy food every day...Now and again is fine, just not every day.
Tax Food? is this to make up for the people that gave up or have been forced to cut down on smoking?
What difference will it make except to the poor? people will still eat what they want, making eating salad cheaper isnt going to make it taste any different.
This is just another way to control the country, i thought this was a free country obviously not.
That's just the point. We are not all intelligent enough to realise what is good and bad for our health. Higher taxation on `bad` foods will only do the common health of the populous good. But also, we as a nation need to be better educated as to what healthy eating is.
It is just another excuse to get more money off you.
How long now before your wage packet goes directly to the government and you have to apply in writing 3 weeks in advance for anything you might need for yourself ?
I can't see how this will help to solve the problem. OK a rise in the price of some products deemed to be fattening, but will that deter people from buying them. It is the customer who pays the tax and only if enough people stop buying an article because of price, will the manufacturer withdraw or alter the product will the tax have achieved anything, apart from raising revenue.The better way would be to tax the manufacturer of undesirable products so as to make them unprofitable ,so again they are withdrawn or altered to be less fatty, He could of course just raise the price and if people still bought it little would be achieved.. I think this whole proposed law should be thought through more ,
They have to tax something as they are not getting as much revenue now from cigarettes....
More evidence of the nanny state telling us what to do and not do.
Why dont they make healthier foods cheaper instead? Because that wont make them money thats why and of course that would involve common sense.What about the elderly who need extra fats and stuff to keep them warm in the winter because they cant afford the high cost of fuel? My partner has cancer and trying to get her to eat is difficult at the best of times. Sometimes all she has all day is protein drinks and a slice of toast then two pieces of plain cake. Sure put a tax on the cake so she will save the government money by dying faster ffs!I for one wont be told what I should and shouldnt eat and buy specially when there is also a report out today that says giving children free fruit in school wont necessarily help them - of course it costs money so why on earth would we want that? Bring back Thatcher then she can be the fruit snatcher as well as the milk snatchergrrrr
why not just tax fat twice since they are effectively two or more people in both weight, volume and resource consumption

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